Eclipse Viewing Party

Thanks to all those who attend the April 8th 2024 Viewing Party!

The Skywide Amateur Radio Club would like extend a big thank you to Ken Baine VA3KEX for hosting the viewing party and would like to thank all those who attended.

Photos from Magog Quebec

VA3VWX travelled to Quebec to avoid the cloud cover that was present in the GTA. Here are some photos of the eclipse he shared with the club.

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What'll be happening?

On April 8th, 2024, a significant celestial event is set to unfold over Toronto, Canada. A solar eclipse will occur, temporarily darkening the skies as the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun. This particular eclipse is expected to be a total solar eclipse, transforming the day into a momentary nightfall as the Moon fully obscures the Sun’s bright disk.


Residents of Toronto and those within the path of totality will have the unique opportunity to witness the complete blocking of the Sun, experiencing a brief period of darkness known as totality. During this extraordinary event, the usual daylight will be replaced by an eerie twilight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle in the sky.


It’s important for observers to use proper eye protection, such as solar viewing glasses or other recommended filters, to safely enjoy and witness this rare celestial occurrence without risking any harm to their eyes. The April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse promises to be a memorable and awe-inspiring moment for those fortunate enough to be in its path.


There are three main types of solar eclipses:



  1. Total Solar Eclipse:

    • This occurs when the Moon completely covers the Sun, blocking its entire disk.
    • The area on Earth where the Sun is completely obscured experiences a brief period of darkness, known as totality.
    • Observers outside the path of totality may witness a partial solar eclipse, where only a portion of the Sun is covered.
  2. Partial Solar Eclipse:

    • In a partial solar eclipse, the Moon only partially covers the Sun from the perspective of an observer on Earth.
    • The Sun appears as a crescent shape during the peak of the eclipse.
  3. Annular Solar Eclipse:

    • An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far from the Earth to completely cover the Sun’s disk.
    • As a result, a ring of sunlight remains visible around the Moon, creating the appearance of a “ring of fire” in the sky.

Solar eclipses are not visible from every location on Earth during each event. Visibility depends on the observer’s geographical location and the specific path of the eclipse. Astronomers use terms like “path of totality” to describe the narrow track on Earth’s surface where a total solar eclipse is visible.

Viewing Party Details

Ken Baine, VA3KEX, an avid astronomer and member of our local club, is extending a special invitation to both club members and the general public.


During the eclipse-viewing event, Ken will guide attendees through the different phases of the celestial spectacle. As the Moon gradually moves between the Earth and the Sun, he will provide insightful explanations, detailing the mesmerizing transitions from the partial phases to the moment of totality. Attendees can expect a comprehensive and educational experience, gaining a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics at play during a total solar eclipse.


This event promises not only the chance to witness the skies darken as the Moon obscures the Sun but also the opportunity to engage with an experienced astronomer who will share knowledge and expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomy enthusiast or someone looking to experience the wonder of a solar eclipse for the first time, Ken Baine’s invitation ensures a memorable and educational viewing experience for all. Don’t miss this chance to observe the celestial ballet and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos with the guidance of an enthusiastic astronomer.

Location Details

Kingsmill Off-Leash Dog Park

12PM – 5PM

April 8th 2024


*All arrangement are weather permitting and subject to change*


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